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Based on numerous site assessments, one plant design does not fit every situation. Our engineering services determine exactly what is needed for your facility.

Green Diesel

green diesel technology

Green diesel is derived from renewable feedstock by using biomass to liquid or hydrotreating plant oils (for example: canola, algae, jatropha and salicornia) or animal fats. Based on the processing technology and chemical formula, green diesel is chemically different from biodiesel. While biodiesel is processed using transesterification, green diesel is processed by the traditional fractional distillation like petroleum diesel. Green diesel has chemical properties identical to petroleum diesel, while biodiesel is not a pure hydrocarbon (it contains oxygen atoms, hence the somewhat different physical properties).

COSTELLO, along with their technology partner Härröd Research AB of Göteborg, Sweden, is offering to partner with companies that are willing to provide capital to modify and run the super critical hydrogenation pilot plant owned by Härröd Research AB.

Once the R&D with the pilot plant is completed a full scale plant could be built. This stand alone technology qualifies for the $1.00 per gallon federal tax rebate.

Please call for further information

R.C. Costello & Assoc., Inc.
1611 S. Pacific Coast Highway, Suite 302
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
Tel: (310) 792-5870, Fax: (310) 792-5877
E-MAIL: rcca[at]

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